Sample Content Resources

I support transformative learning experiences by weaving in the threads of those who have come before with your voice and vision.  A sample of the resources I bring with me:


Acosta, A. (2020, August 5). Contemplative science & practice through a Healing-Centered

perspective. Retrieved from:

Akomolafe, B. Let us make sanctuary with Bayo Akomolafe.  Sounds True video:


Chavez, A.F., & Longerbeam, S.D. (2016). Rewards dilemmas and challenges of teaching

across cultural frameworks. In Teaching Across Cultural Strengths: A Guide to

Balancing Integrated and Individuated Cultural Frameworks in College Teaching (pp. 97-110)

Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC.


Coles, R. (2017). Catalyzing ecologies of transformative community partnerships. In C. Dolgon, T.

Mitchell, & T. Eatman (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Service Learning and Community

Engagement (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology, pp. 147-157). Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316650011.015.


Routledge, Taylor, & Francis Group (2016). Habitus: Pierre Bourdieu. Retrieved from Social Theory

Re-wired website:


Hubl, T. (2020). Healing collective trauma: A process for integrating our intergenerational and

cultural wounds. Boulder, CO: Sounds True.


Ginwright, S. A. (2022). The four pivots: Reimagining justice, reimagining ourselves. Huichin/

Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books.


Ginwright, S.A. (2020). #ReRooted: Dr. Shawn Ginwright on Healing-Centered Engagement &

Trauma-Informed Care


Habermas, J. (1972). Knowledge and human interests (J. J. Shapiro, Trans.). Boston, MA: Beacon Press. 

Kucukaydin, I., & Cranton, P. (2013). Critically questioning the discourse of transformative learning theory.  Adult Education Quarterly, 63(1) 43-56.


Macy, J. (1995).  Working through environmental despair.  In Roszak, T.R., Gomes, M.E., & Kanner A.D.  Ecopsychology: restoring the earth and healing the mind.  Berkeley, CA: Counterpoint.


Martin, G. G. (2001).  Human ecology: basic concepts for sustainable development.  Retrieved from:


Martinez, M.R. (2019, July 17).  6 powerful strategies for deeper learning in your classroom.  Retrieved from website:


Martusewicz, R.A, Edmundson, J., & Lupinacci, J.  (2015). Ecojustice Education: towards diverse, democratic, and sustainable communities, 2nd edition.  New York, NY: Routledge.


Merriam, S. B., & Bierema, L. L. (2014). Adult learning: linking theory and practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 

Merecia, A.  (2021). Healing centered engagement: A strength base approach for political instigated trauma. Retrieved from:

Mills, G.E., & Gay, L.R.  (2018). Educational research: competencies for analysis and applications, 12th edition.  NY, NY: Pearson Education Inc.


Moe, K. (2014).  Change starts with your own story. Yes Magazine, 70 (47).

Perley, B.C. (2019, October 15).  Words that matter: Anthropology, advocacy, and Indigenous language revitalization. General Anthropology: 26(2), 1-6.

Wegner-Trayner, E., & Wegner-Trayner, B., (n.d.). Introduction to communities of practice.

Retrieved from:


Pinkola Estes, C. (1988).  The faithful gardener: A wise tale about that which can never die. San Francisco, CA: HarperCollinsSanFrancisco.


Social Norms Change, (n.d.).  Retrieved from Care website:


St. Pierre, C. (2014).  Preserving the culture: Longhouse media. Yes Magazine, 70 (29).


Maathai, W. (n.d.).  About Wangari Maathai.

Whyte, D. (2015). Coleman’s bed.  In Deep Ecopsychology.  Retrieved from: